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Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains: A Comprehensive Guide

18 August 2023
Sam Peterson
Sam Peterson
Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you interested in knowing about Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains in detail?

If your answer is yes, then welcome to our comprehensive guide on Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains! In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, organisations require robust and scalable solutions to streamline their operations, optimise resources, and drive growth.

Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains, also known as Microsoft Dynamics GP, is one of them. It’s a powerful enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that offers a wide range of features and functionalities to meet these evolving business needs.

This leading great plains Dynamics ERP solution in the market empowers businesses of all sizes and industries to manage their finances, supply chain, manufacturing, human resources, and customer relationships seamlessly.

So, whether you are a small business looking for a cost-effective solution or a large enterprise in need of a scalable and flexible platform, Dynamics GP has the capabilities to support your specific requirements.

Throughout this guide, we will delve into the key features and benefits of Microsoft Dynamics GP, exploring how it can revolutionise your organisation's operations.

Let's embark on this journey and unlock the potential of Microsoft Dynamics GP together!

Tracing the History of Dynamics GP

Microsoft Dynamics GP, originally known as Great Plains Dynamics, has a rich history that dates back to 1981. The software was developed by the company Great Plains Software, founded by Doug Burgum and a team of experts in Fargo, North Dakota. Initially, Great Plains Dynamics was designed as an accounting system for small and mid-sized businesses.

Over the years, Great Plains Accounting Software continued to innovate and enhance its product, expanding its capabilities beyond accounting to include comprehensive enterprise resource planning (ERP) functionalities. In 2001, Microsoft recognised the potential of Great Plains Software and acquired the company, rebranding the software as Microsoft Great Plains.

Unfolding the Mystery: Is Microsoft Great Plains End of Life Real or Rumour?

The rumours regarding the Microsoft Great Plains End of the Life are incomplete, incorrect or we can say quite difficult to comprehend. These rumours have sparked debates among businesses. However, it's important to separate fact from myth.

While Microsoft has announced plans to phase out certain versions, it doesn't imply the complete discontinuation of the software. Instead, Microsoft is shifting focus towards its cloud-based platform, Dynamics 365 Business Central, offering enhanced functionalities and scalability.

Nevertheless, existing users can continue using Great Plains and receive mainstream support until the announced end date.

Microsoft also encourages GP Upgrades or migration to Business Central, providing a seamless transition for businesses seeking advanced features.

Now onwards, no more doubts in the mind. In simple words, the end of life for Microsoft Great Plains is more of an evolution than an extinction.

6 Major Capabilities of Great Plain Software

So now when you are clear about Dynamics GP still in use, let us discover some major capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics Great Plain Software that can make a difference to your business.

  • Robust Financial Management: Great Plains provides comprehensive financial management capabilities, including general ledger, accounts payable and receivables.
  • Advanced Reporting and Analytics: The software offers robust reporting and analytics tools, allowing users to create customised reports, financial statements, and dashboards.
  • Integrated Business Processes: Great Plains integrates various business processes such as sales, purchasing, inventory management, and manufacturing.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: The software is designed to accommodate the needs of growing businesses, allowing them to customise workflows and processes to gain more.
  • Multi-Currency and Multilingual Support: Great Plains offers support for multiple currencies and languages, making it suitable for global operations.
  • Third-Party Integration: The software integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft products, such as Excel, Outlook, Power BI, and various other third-party apps.

Which companies can use Great Plains Software?

This software can work best for various industries and businesses of different sizes. Companies in sectors such as manufacturing, distribution, retail, professional services, healthcare, and non-profit organizations can benefit from its robust features.

Its scalability and flexibility make it an ideal choice for small businesses as well as large enterprises seeking comprehensive financial management and operational capabilities.

How can Dynamics Great Plains unfold limitless business growth opportunities?

Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains has the potential to transform your business by streamlining financial management, empowering data-driven decision-making, improving efficiency, integrating processes, offering scalability, and ensuring regulatory compliance.

  • Mobile Access and Remote Work Capabilities: Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains offers mobile access and remote work capabilities, allowing you to access critical business information and perform tasks on-the-go.
  • Advanced Inventory Control: Great Plains provides advanced inventory control features, including tracking stock levels, managing reorder points, and optimising inventory replenishment.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Great Plains helps you stay compliant with financial regulations and reporting requirements. It provides tools to ensure accurate record-keeping, audit trails, followed by industry-specific standards.

Best Microsoft Dynamics GP Alternatives

  • Dynamics 365 Business Central: Dynamics 365 Business Central is Microsoft's cloud-based ERP solution designed for small and medium-sized businesses. It empowers businesses to make accurate decisions using advanced analytics reports & much more.

  • Oracle NetSuite: NetSuite is a cloud-based ERP solution that offers comprehensive functionalities for finance, sales, inventory management, and more. It provides scalability, flexibility, and real-time visibility into business operations.

  • Sage Intacct: Sage Intacct is a cloud-based financial management software designed for small and mid-sized businesses. It offers features such as general ledger, accounts payable and receivable with a focus on financial accuracy and automation.

  • SAP Business One: SAP Business One is an integrated ERP solution specifically designed for small and medium-sized enterprises. It provides features for finance, sales, purchasing, inventory management, and production planning, all in one system.

Why should a business move from GP to Dynamics 365?

Elimination of On-Premises Infrastructure

Dynamics 365 is a cloud-based solution, eliminating the need for on-premises infrastructure and associated costs. You can reduce hardware expenses, server maintenance, and IT resources required to manage and support the infrastructure.

Automatic Updates and Maintenance

With Dynamics 365, updates and maintenance are handled by Microsoft, reducing the burden on your IT resources. You can stay up to date with the latest features, security patches, and compliance requirements without additional costs or resource allocation.

Automation and Process Efficiency

Dynamics 365 offers automation capabilities that streamline and optimise business processes. This automation reduces manual effort, eliminates repetitive tasks, and enables better resource allocation. Employees

can focus on value-added activities, increasing productivity and resource efficiency.

Scalability and Flexible Licensing

Dynamics 365 provides scalability, allowing you to easily adjust your licensing based on your business needs. You can scale up or down the number of users and modules as required, optimising your licensing costs and resource allocation.

Why should you upgrade your Great Plains Accounting: Major Benefits

Upgrading your Great Plains Accounting system offers a range of benefits that can significantly enhance your business operations. Here are some key advantages of upgrading:

  • Enhanced Functionality: Upgrading to the latest version of Great Plains Accounting introduces new features & functionalities that can improve productivity and efficiency.
  • Improved Security: As technology evolves, so do security threats. Upgrading your Great Plains Accounting system ensures you are safeguarding your sensitive financial data.
  • Better Integration Capabilities: Upgrading allows for better integration with other software and systems, streamlining data flow.
  • Scalability and Growth Support: Upgrading your accounting system enables better scalability to accommodate your growing business needs.
  • Access to Support and Updates: With an upgraded system, you gain access to ongoing technical support and updates from the software provider.
  • Improved Reporting and Analytics: Upgraded versions of Great Plains Accounting often introduce enhanced reporting and analytics capabilities. This fosters informed decisions.

Dynamics Square: The Most Reliable GP Upgrade Partner in Australia

If you are an existing Dynamics GP user and not ready yet to upgrade, or a small-medium business looking to upgrade GP to stay ahead of your competitors, we have you covered. Dynamics Square is a trusted partner that can assist businesses in smoothly transitioning from Dynamics GP to Business Central or upgrading their Great Plains software and provide GP support services to ensure uninterrupted operations. Here's how Dynamics Square can help:

  • Expert Consultation: We assess your business requirements, evaluate the best migration path, or upgrade strategy, and recommend the most suitable solution for your needs.
  • Seamless Data Migration: Dynamics Square has the expertise to migrate your data, ensuring its accuracy, integrity, and completeness throughout the transition.
  • Customisation and Configuration: We can help tailor Business Central to match your specific needs by customising and configuring the software.
  • User Training and Support: We provide ongoing support to address any questions or issues that may arise during and after the migration or upgrade process.
  • Enhancing Business Processes: Dynamics Square goes beyond just the technical aspects of the transition to understand your business processes and identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Post-Migration Support: After the migration or upgrade, Dynamics Square continues to provide support and assistance to help you maximize the benefits of the new software.


To sum up this blog, we conclude that Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains is a powerful and comprehensive solution for businesses seeking efficient financial management and operations. Its user-friendly interface, robust features, and seamless integration make it a valuable tool for enhancing productivity and driving growth in organizations of all sizes.

However, a successful business in today’s scenario needs to be more agile, go digital and use innovative cloud-based business solutions like Dynamics 365 suite of solutions to beat the competition. It is all about exponential growth as limited growth and legacy software can act as a roadblock in realising your full business potential. Talk to a Dynamics 365 consultant today to grow more.

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